# Class: CircleEdge
# Hierarchy
↳ CircleEdge
# Table of contents
# Constructors
# Properties
# Methods
- addTo
- clickLayer
- clickPopup
- getCenter
- getData
- getEndAngle
- getLayerId
- getLayerStyle
- getLineBlur
- getLineCap
- getLineColor
- getLineDasharray
- getLineGapWidth
- getLineGradient
- getLineJoin
- getLineMiterMimit
- getLineOffset
- getLineOpacity
- getLinePattern
- getLineRoundLimit
- getLineSortKey
- getLineTranslate
- getLineTranslateAnchor
- getLineWidth
- getPoints
- getRadius
- getSourceId
- getStartAngle
- hide
- hoverFeatureState
- hoverLayer
- hoverPointer
- hoverPopup
- remove
- setCenter
- setData
- setEndAngle
- setFilter
- setLayerStyle
- setLineBlur
- setLineCap
- setLineColor
- setLineDasharray
- setLineGapWidth
- setLineGradient
- setLineJoin
- setLineMiterMimit
- setLineOffset
- setLineOpacity
- setLinePattern
- setLineRoundLimit
- setLineSortKey
- setLineTranslate
- setLineTranslateAnchor
- setLineWidth
- setPoints
- setProperty
- setRadius
- setStartAngle
- show
- toggle
- updateData
# Constructors
# constructor
+ new CircleEdge(options
: CircleEdgeOptions): CircleEdge
# Parameters
Name | Type |
options | CircleEdgeOptions |
Returns: CircleEdge
Overrides: Polyline
# Properties
# _map
• Optional
_map: Map
# layerId
• Optional
layerId: string
Inherited from: Polyline.layerId
# options
• options: PolylineOptions
Inherited from: Polyline.options
# sourceId
• Optional
sourceId: string
Inherited from: Polyline.sourceId
# Methods
# addTo
▸ addTo(map
: Map, beforeId?
: string): void
# Parameters
Name | Type |
map | Map |
beforeId? | string |
Returns: void
Overrides: Polyline
# clickLayer
▸ clickLayer(cb
: any): any
# Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
cb | any | Callback that receives event with .features property |
Returns: any
A function that removes the handler.
Inherited from: Polyline
# clickPopup
▸ clickPopup(htmlFunc
: (arg0
: {}) => void, popupOptions?
: PopupOptions): any
clickPopup(f => <h3>${f.properties.Name}</h3> ${f.properties.Description}
, { maxWidth: 500 });
# Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
htmlFunc | (arg0 : {}) => void | Function that receives feature and popup, returns HTML. |
popupOptions? | PopupOptions | Options passed to Popup() to customise popup. |
Returns: any
A function that removes the handler.
Inherited from: Polyline
# getCenter
▸ getCenter(): GeoPointLike
Returns: GeoPointLike
# getData
▸ getData(): undefined | Feature<Geometry | GeometryCollection, Properties> | FeatureCollection<Geometry | GeometryCollection, Properties> | Geometry | GeometryCollection
Returns: undefined | Feature<Geometry | GeometryCollection, Properties> | FeatureCollection<Geometry | GeometryCollection, Properties> | Geometry | GeometryCollection
Inherited from: Polyline
# getEndAngle
▸ getEndAngle(): number
Returns: number
# getLayerId
▸ getLayerId(): undefined | string
Returns: undefined | string
Inherited from: Polyline
# getLayerStyle
▸ getLayerStyle(): LayerSpecification
根据样式规范,获取给定图层 ID 的图层定义。
Returns: LayerSpecification
Inherited from: Polyline
# getLineBlur
▸ getLineBlur(): DataDrivenPropertyValueSpecification<number>
Returns: DataDrivenPropertyValueSpecification<number>
Inherited from: Polyline
# getLineCap
▸ getLineCap(): DataDrivenPropertyValueSpecification<"butt"
| "round"
| "square"
Returns: DataDrivenPropertyValueSpecification<"butt"
| "round"
| "square"
Inherited from: Polyline
# getLineColor
▸ getLineColor(): DataDrivenPropertyValueSpecification<string>
Returns: DataDrivenPropertyValueSpecification<string>
Inherited from: Polyline
# getLineDasharray
▸ getLineDasharray(): DataDrivenPropertyValueSpecification<number[]>
Returns: DataDrivenPropertyValueSpecification<number[]>
Inherited from: Polyline
# getLineGapWidth
▸ getLineGapWidth(): DataDrivenPropertyValueSpecification<number>
Returns: DataDrivenPropertyValueSpecification<number>
Inherited from: Polyline
# getLineGradient
▸ getLineGradient(): ExpressionSpecificationEx
Returns: ExpressionSpecificationEx
Inherited from: Polyline
# getLineJoin
▸ getLineJoin(): DataDrivenPropertyValueSpecification<"round"
| "bevel"
| "miter"
Returns: DataDrivenPropertyValueSpecification<"round"
| "bevel"
| "miter"
Inherited from: Polyline
# getLineMiterMimit
▸ getLineMiterMimit(): PropertyValueSpecificationEx<number>
Returns: PropertyValueSpecificationEx<number>
Inherited from: Polyline
# getLineOffset
▸ getLineOffset(): DataDrivenPropertyValueSpecification<number>
Returns: DataDrivenPropertyValueSpecification<number>
Inherited from: Polyline
# getLineOpacity
▸ getLineOpacity(): DataDrivenPropertyValueSpecification<number>
Returns: DataDrivenPropertyValueSpecification<number>
Inherited from: Polyline
# getLinePattern
▸ getLinePattern(): DataDrivenPropertyValueSpecification<string>
Returns: DataDrivenPropertyValueSpecification<string>
Inherited from: Polyline
# getLineRoundLimit
▸ getLineRoundLimit(): PropertyValueSpecificationEx<number>
Returns: PropertyValueSpecificationEx<number>
Inherited from: Polyline
# getLineSortKey
▸ getLineSortKey(): DataDrivenPropertyValueSpecification<number>
Returns: DataDrivenPropertyValueSpecification<number>
Inherited from: Polyline
# getLineTranslate
▸ getLineTranslate(): PropertyValueSpecificationEx<[number, number]>
Returns: PropertyValueSpecificationEx<[number, number]>
Inherited from: Polyline
# getLineTranslateAnchor
▸ getLineTranslateAnchor(): PropertyValueSpecificationEx<"map"
| "viewport"
Returns: PropertyValueSpecificationEx<"map"
| "viewport"
Inherited from: Polyline
# getLineWidth
▸ getLineWidth(): DataDrivenPropertyValueSpecification<number>
Returns: DataDrivenPropertyValueSpecification<number>
Inherited from: Polyline
# getPoints
▸ getPoints(): number
Returns: number
# getRadius
▸ getRadius(): number
Returns: number
# getSourceId
▸ getSourceId(): undefined | string
Returns: undefined | string
Inherited from: Polyline
# getStartAngle
▸ getStartAngle(): number
Returns: number
# hide
▸ hide(): void
Returns: void
Inherited from: Polyline
# hoverFeatureState
▸ hoverFeatureState(enterCb?
: (arg0
: {}) => void, leaveCb?
: (arg0
: {}) => void): void
每当将鼠标悬停在这些图层中的某个特征上时,更新连接源 [s] 中特征的特征状态。
# Parameters
Name | Type |
enterCb? | (arg0 : {}) => void |
leaveCb? | (arg0 : {}) => void |
Returns: void
Inherited from: Polyline
# hoverLayer
▸ hoverLayer(cb
: any): any
# Parameters
Name | Type |
cb | any |
Returns: any
A function to remove the handler.
Inherited from: Polyline
# hoverPointer
▸ hoverPointer(): void
Returns: void
A function to remove the handler.
Inherited from: Polyline
# hoverPopup
▸ hoverPopup(htmlFunc
: any, popupOptions?
: PopupOptions): any
hoverPopup(f => <h3>${f.properties.Name}</h3> ${f.properties.Description}
, { anchor: 'left' });
# Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
htmlFunc | any | Function that receives feature and popup, returns HTML. |
popupOptions? | PopupOptions | Options passed to Popup() to customise popup. |
Returns: any
Inherited from: Polyline
# remove
▸ remove(): void
Returns: void
Inherited from: Polyline
# setCenter
▸ setCenter(value
: GeoPointLike, bFocusUpdateData?
: boolean): CircleEdge
# Parameters
Name | Type | Default value |
value | GeoPointLike | - |
bFocusUpdateData | boolean | true |
Returns: CircleEdge
# setData
▸ setData(data
: any): void
替换 GeoJSON 图层的当前数据。
# Parameters
Name | Type |
data | any |
Returns: void
Inherited from: Polyline
# setEndAngle
▸ setEndAngle(value
: number, bFocusUpdateData?
: boolean): CircleEdge
# Parameters
Name | Type | Default value |
value | number | - |
bFocusUpdateData | boolean | true |
Returns: CircleEdge
# setFilter
▸ setFilter(filter
: FilterSpecification): void
# Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
filter | FilterSpecification | New filter to set. |
Returns: void
Inherited from: Polyline
# setLayerStyle
▸ setLayerStyle(style
: any): void
# Parameters
Name | Type |
style | any |
Returns: void
Inherited from: Polyline
# setLineBlur
▸ setLineBlur(value
: DataDrivenPropertyValueSpecification<number>): CircleEdge
# Parameters
Name | Type |
value | DataDrivenPropertyValueSpecification<number> |
Returns: CircleEdge
Inherited from: Polyline
# setLineCap
▸ setLineCap(value
: DataDrivenPropertyValueSpecification<"butt"
| "round"
| "square"
>): CircleEdge
# Parameters
Name | Type |
value | DataDrivenPropertyValueSpecification<"butt" | "round" | "square" > |
Returns: CircleEdge
Inherited from: Polyline
# setLineColor
▸ setLineColor(value
: DataDrivenPropertyValueSpecification<string>): CircleEdge
# Parameters
Name | Type |
value | DataDrivenPropertyValueSpecification<string> |
Returns: CircleEdge
Inherited from: Polyline
# setLineDasharray
▸ setLineDasharray(value
: DataDrivenPropertyValueSpecification<number[]>): CircleEdge
# Parameters
Name | Type |
value | DataDrivenPropertyValueSpecification<number[]> |
Returns: CircleEdge
Inherited from: Polyline
# setLineGapWidth
▸ setLineGapWidth(value
: DataDrivenPropertyValueSpecification<number>): CircleEdge
# Parameters
Name | Type |
value | DataDrivenPropertyValueSpecification<number> |
Returns: CircleEdge
Inherited from: Polyline
# setLineGradient
▸ setLineGradient(value
: ExpressionSpecificationEx): CircleEdge
# Parameters
Name | Type |
value | ExpressionSpecificationEx |
Returns: CircleEdge
Inherited from: Polyline
# setLineJoin
▸ setLineJoin(value
: DataDrivenPropertyValueSpecification<"round"
| "bevel"
| "miter"
>): CircleEdge
# Parameters
Name | Type |
value | DataDrivenPropertyValueSpecification<"round" | "bevel" | "miter" > |
Returns: CircleEdge
Inherited from: Polyline
# setLineMiterMimit
▸ setLineMiterMimit(value
: PropertyValueSpecificationEx<number>): CircleEdge
# Parameters
Name | Type |
value | PropertyValueSpecificationEx<number> |
Returns: CircleEdge
Inherited from: Polyline
# setLineOffset
▸ setLineOffset(value
: DataDrivenPropertyValueSpecification<number>): CircleEdge
# Parameters
Name | Type |
value | DataDrivenPropertyValueSpecification<number> |
Returns: CircleEdge
Inherited from: Polyline
# setLineOpacity
▸ setLineOpacity(value
: DataDrivenPropertyValueSpecification<number>): CircleEdge
# Parameters
Name | Type |
value | DataDrivenPropertyValueSpecification<number> |
Returns: CircleEdge
Inherited from: Polyline
# setLinePattern
▸ setLinePattern(value
: DataDrivenPropertyValueSpecification<string>): CircleEdge
# Parameters
Name | Type |
value | DataDrivenPropertyValueSpecification<string> |
Returns: CircleEdge
Inherited from: Polyline
# setLineRoundLimit
▸ setLineRoundLimit(value
: PropertyValueSpecificationEx<number>): CircleEdge
# Parameters
Name | Type |
value | PropertyValueSpecificationEx<number> |
Returns: CircleEdge
Inherited from: Polyline
# setLineSortKey
▸ setLineSortKey(value
: DataDrivenPropertyValueSpecification<number>): CircleEdge
# Parameters
Name | Type |
value | DataDrivenPropertyValueSpecification<number> |
Returns: CircleEdge
Inherited from: Polyline
# setLineTranslate
▸ setLineTranslate(value
: PropertyValueSpecificationEx<[number, number]>): CircleEdge
# Parameters
Name | Type |
value | PropertyValueSpecificationEx<[number, number]> |
Returns: CircleEdge
Inherited from: Polyline
# setLineTranslateAnchor
▸ setLineTranslateAnchor(value
: PropertyValueSpecificationEx<"map"
| "viewport"
>): CircleEdge
# Parameters
Name | Type |
value | PropertyValueSpecificationEx<"map" | "viewport" > |
Returns: CircleEdge
Inherited from: Polyline
# setLineWidth
▸ setLineWidth(value
: DataDrivenPropertyValueSpecification<number>): CircleEdge
# Parameters
Name | Type |
value | DataDrivenPropertyValueSpecification<number> |
Returns: CircleEdge
Inherited from: Polyline
# setPoints
▸ setPoints(value
: number, bFocusUpdateData?
: boolean): CircleEdge
# Parameters
Name | Type | Default value |
value | number | - |
bFocusUpdateData | boolean | true |
Returns: CircleEdge
# setProperty
▸ setProperty(prop
: string | object, value?
: any): void
setProperty('fillOpacity', 0.5)
# Parameters
Name | Type |
prop | string | object |
value? | any |
Returns: void
Inherited from: Polyline
# setRadius
▸ setRadius(value
: number, bFocusUpdateData?
: boolean): CircleEdge
# Parameters
Name | Type | Default value |
value | number | - |
bFocusUpdateData | boolean | true |
Returns: CircleEdge
# setStartAngle
▸ setStartAngle(value
: number, bFocusUpdateData?
: boolean): CircleEdge
# Parameters
Name | Type | Default value |
value | number | - |
bFocusUpdateData | boolean | true |
Returns: CircleEdge
# show
▸ show(): void
Returns: void
Inherited from: Polyline
# toggle
▸ toggle(state
: boolean): boolean
# Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
state | boolean | True for visible, false for hidden. |
Returns: boolean
Inherited from: Polyline
# updateData
▸ updateData(): void
Returns: void