Class Narrowphase

Helper class for the World. Generates ContactEquations.


Sphere-ConvexPolyhedron contacts


Contact reduction


should move methods to prototype



contactPointPool: ContactEquation[]

Internal storage of pooled contact points.

currentContactMaterial: ContactMaterial
enableFrictionReduction: boolean
frictionEquationPool: FrictionEquation[]
frictionResult: FrictionEquation[]
result: ContactEquation[]
v3pool: Vec3Pool

Pooled vectors.

world: World


  • get 1(): ((si, sj, xi, xj, qi, qj, bi, bj, rsi?, rsj?, justTest?) => boolean | void)
  • Returns ((si, sj, xi, xj, qi, qj, bi, bj, rsi?, rsj?, justTest?) => boolean | void)

  • get 128(): ((si, sj, xi, xj, qi, qj, bi, bj, rsi?, rsj?, justTest?, faceListA?, faceListB?) => true | void)
  • Returns ((si, sj, xi, xj, qi, qj, bi, bj, rsi?, rsj?, justTest?, faceListA?, faceListB?) => true | void)

  • get 129(): ((si, sj, xi, xj, qi, qj, bi, bj, rsi?, rsj?, justTest?) => true | void)
  • Returns ((si, sj, xi, xj, qi, qj, bi, bj, rsi?, rsj?, justTest?) => true | void)

  • get 130(): ((planeShape, convexShape, planePosition, convexPosition, planeQuat, convexQuat, planeBody, convexBody, si?, sj?, justTest?) => true | void)
  • Returns ((planeShape, convexShape, planePosition, convexPosition, planeQuat, convexQuat, planeBody, convexBody, si?, sj?, justTest?) => true | void)

      • (planeShape, convexShape, planePosition, convexPosition, planeQuat, convexQuat, planeBody, convexBody, si?, sj?, justTest?): true | void
      • Parameters

        Returns true | void

  • get 132(): ((si, sj, xi, xj, qi, qj, bi, bj, rsi?, rsj?, justTest?) => true | void)
  • Returns ((si, sj, xi, xj, qi, qj, bi, bj, rsi?, rsj?, justTest?) => true | void)

  • get 144(): ((si, sj, xi, xj, qi, qj, bi, bj, rsi?, rsj?, justTest?, faceListA?, faceListB?) => true | void)
  • Returns ((si, sj, xi, xj, qi, qj, bi, bj, rsi?, rsj?, justTest?, faceListA?, faceListB?) => true | void)

  • get 16(): ((si, sj, xi, xj, qi, qj, bi, bj, rsi?, rsj?, justTest?, faceListA?, faceListB?) => true | void)
  • Returns ((si, sj, xi, xj, qi, qj, bi, bj, rsi?, rsj?, justTest?, faceListA?, faceListB?) => true | void)

  • get 160(): ((hfShape, convexShape, hfPos, convexPos, hfQuat, convexQuat, hfBody, convexBody, rsi?, rsj?, justTest?) => true | void)
  • Returns ((hfShape, convexShape, hfPos, convexPos, hfQuat, convexQuat, hfBody, convexBody, rsi?, rsj?, justTest?) => true | void)

      • (hfShape, convexShape, hfPos, convexPos, hfQuat, convexQuat, hfBody, convexBody, rsi?, rsj?, justTest?): true | void
      • Parameters

        Returns true | void

  • get 17(): ((si, sj, xi, xj, qi, qj, bi, bj, rsi?, rsj?, justTest?) => true | void)
  • Returns ((si, sj, xi, xj, qi, qj, bi, bj, rsi?, rsj?, justTest?) => true | void)

  • get 18(): ((planeShape, convexShape, planePosition, convexPosition, planeQuat, convexQuat, planeBody, convexBody, si?, sj?, justTest?) => true | void)
  • Returns ((planeShape, convexShape, planePosition, convexPosition, planeQuat, convexQuat, planeBody, convexBody, si?, sj?, justTest?) => true | void)

      • (planeShape, convexShape, planePosition, convexPosition, planeQuat, convexQuat, planeBody, convexBody, si?, sj?, justTest?): true | void
      • Parameters

        Returns true | void

  • get 192(): ((si, sj, xi, xj, qi, qj, bi, bj, rsi?, rsj?, justTest?) => true | void)
  • Returns ((si, sj, xi, xj, qi, qj, bi, bj, rsi?, rsj?, justTest?) => true | void)

  • get 20(): ((si, sj, xi, xj, qi, qj, bi, bj, rsi?, rsj?, justTest?) => true | void)
  • Returns ((si, sj, xi, xj, qi, qj, bi, bj, rsi?, rsj?, justTest?) => true | void)

  • get 257(): ((sphereShape, trimeshShape, spherePos, trimeshPos, sphereQuat, trimeshQuat, sphereBody, trimeshBody, rsi?, rsj?, justTest?) => true | void)
  • Returns ((sphereShape, trimeshShape, spherePos, trimeshPos, sphereQuat, trimeshQuat, sphereBody, trimeshBody, rsi?, rsj?, justTest?) => true | void)

      • (sphereShape, trimeshShape, spherePos, trimeshPos, sphereQuat, trimeshQuat, sphereBody, trimeshBody, rsi?, rsj?, justTest?): true | void
      • Parameters

        Returns true | void

  • get 258(): ((planeShape, trimeshShape, planePos, trimeshPos, planeQuat, trimeshQuat, planeBody, trimeshBody, rsi?, rsj?, justTest?) => true | void)
  • Returns ((planeShape, trimeshShape, planePos, trimeshPos, planeQuat, trimeshQuat, planeBody, trimeshBody, rsi?, rsj?, justTest?) => true | void)

      • (planeShape, trimeshShape, planePos, trimeshPos, planeQuat, trimeshQuat, planeBody, trimeshBody, rsi?, rsj?, justTest?): true | void
      • Parameters

        Returns true | void

  • get 3(): ((si, sj, xi, xj, qi, qj, bi, bj, rsi?, rsj?, justTest?) => true | void)
  • Returns ((si, sj, xi, xj, qi, qj, bi, bj, rsi?, rsj?, justTest?) => true | void)

  • get 33(): ((sphereShape, hfShape, spherePos, hfPos, sphereQuat, hfQuat, sphereBody, hfBody, rsi?, rsj?, justTest?) => true | void)
  • Returns ((sphereShape, hfShape, spherePos, hfPos, sphereQuat, hfQuat, sphereBody, hfBody, rsi?, rsj?, justTest?) => true | void)

      • (sphereShape, hfShape, spherePos, hfPos, sphereQuat, hfQuat, sphereBody, hfBody, rsi?, rsj?, justTest?): true | void
      • Parameters

        Returns true | void

  • get 36(): ((si, sj, xi, xj, qi, qj, bi, bj, rsi?, rsj?, justTest?) => true | void)
  • Returns ((si, sj, xi, xj, qi, qj, bi, bj, rsi?, rsj?, justTest?) => true | void)

  • get 4(): ((si, sj, xi, xj, qi, qj, bi, bj, rsi?, rsj?, justTest?) => true | void)
  • Returns ((si, sj, xi, xj, qi, qj, bi, bj, rsi?, rsj?, justTest?) => true | void)

  • get 48(): ((convexShape, hfShape, convexPos, hfPos, convexQuat, hfQuat, convexBody, hfBody, rsi?, rsj?, justTest?) => true | void)
  • Returns ((convexShape, hfShape, convexPos, hfPos, convexQuat, hfQuat, convexBody, hfBody, rsi?, rsj?, justTest?) => true | void)

  • get 5(): ((si, sj, xi, xj, qi, qj, bi, bj, rsi?, rsj?, justTest?) => true | void)
  • Returns ((si, sj, xi, xj, qi, qj, bi, bj, rsi?, rsj?, justTest?) => true | void)

  • get 6(): ((si, sj, xi, xj, qi, qj, bi, bj, rsi?, rsj?, justTest?) => true | void)
  • Returns ((si, sj, xi, xj, qi, qj, bi, bj, rsi?, rsj?, justTest?) => true | void)

  • get 65(): ((sj, si, xj, xi, qj, qi, bj, bi, rsi?, rsj?, justTest?) => true | void)
  • Returns ((sj, si, xj, xi, qj, qi, bj, bi, rsi?, rsj?, justTest?) => true | void)

  • get 66(): ((sj, si, xj, xi, qj, qi, bj, bi, rsi?, rsj?, justTest?) => true | void)
  • Returns ((sj, si, xj, xi, qj, qi, bj, bi, rsi?, rsj?, justTest?) => true | void)

  • get 68(): ((si, sj, xi, xj, qi, qj, bi, bj, rsi?, rsj?, justTest?) => true | void)
  • Returns ((si, sj, xi, xj, qi, qj, bi, bj, rsi?, rsj?, justTest?) => true | void)

  • get 80(): ((sj, si, xj, xi, qj, qi, bj, bi, rsi?, rsj?, justTest?) => true | void)
  • Returns ((sj, si, xj, xi, qj, qi, bj, bi, rsi?, rsj?, justTest?) => true | void)


  • Parameters

    Returns true | void

  • Parameters

    Returns boolean

  • Take the average N latest contact point on the plane.


    • numContacts: number

    Returns void

  • Generate all contacts between a list of body pairs


    Returns void

  • Parameters

    Returns true | void

  • Parameters

    Returns true | void

  • Parameters

    Returns true | void

  • Parameters

    Returns true | void

  • Parameters

    Returns true | void