Class SelectiveBloomEffect

A selective bloom effect.

This effect applies bloom to selected objects only.

Hierarchy (view full)



blendMode: BlendMode

The blend mode of this effect.

blurPass: KawaseBlurPass

A blur pass.

defines: Map<string, string>

Preprocessor macro definitions.

Call Effect.setChanged after changing macro definitions.

extensions: Set<WebGLExtension>

WebGL extensions that are required by this effect.

Call Effect.setChanged after adding or removing extensions.

luminancePass: LuminancePass

A luminance shader pass.

This pass can be disabled to skip luminance filtering.

name: string

The name of this effect.

renderer: WebGLRenderer

The renderer.


selection: Selection

A selection of objects.

The default layer of this selection is 11.

uniforms: Map<string, Uniform<any>>

Shader uniforms.

Call Effect.setChanged after adding or removing uniforms.


  • get distinction(): number
  • Returns number


    Use luminanceMaterial instead.

  • set distinction(arg): void
  • Parameters

    • arg: number

    Returns void

  • get dithering(): boolean
  • Indicates whether dithering is enabled.

    Returns boolean


    Use EffectPass.fullscreenMaterial.dithering instead.

  • set dithering(arg): void
  • Parameters

    • arg: boolean

    Returns void

  • get height(): number
  • The current height of the internal render targets.

    Returns number


    Use resolution.height instead.

  • set height(arg): void
  • Parameters

    • arg: number

    Returns void

  • get ignoreBackground(): boolean
  • Indicates whether the background colors will be ignored.

    Returns boolean

  • set ignoreBackground(arg): void
  • Parameters

    • arg: boolean

    Returns void

  • get inputColorSpace(): ColorSpace
  • Experimental

    The input color space.

    Returns ColorSpace

  • set inputColorSpace(arg): void
  • Protected Experimental


    • arg: ColorSpace

    Returns void

  • get intensity(): number
  • The bloom intensity.

    Returns number

  • set intensity(arg): void
  • Parameters

    • arg: number

    Returns void

  • get inverted(): boolean
  • Indicates whether the selection should be considered inverted.

    Returns boolean

  • set inverted(arg): void
  • Parameters

    • arg: boolean

    Returns void

  • get kernelSize(): KernelSize
  • The blur kernel size.

    Returns KernelSize


    Use blurPass.kernelSize instead.

  • set kernelSize(arg): void
  • Parameters

    Returns void

  • get luminanceMaterial(): LuminanceMaterial
  • The luminance material.

    Returns LuminanceMaterial

  • set mainCamera(arg): void
  • Sets the main camera.


    • arg: Camera

    Returns void

  • set mainScene(arg): void
  • Sets the main scene.


    • arg: Scene

    Returns void

  • get outputColorSpace(): ColorSpace
  • Experimental

    The output color space.

    Should only be changed if this effect converts the input colors to a different color space.

    Returns ColorSpace

  • set outputColorSpace(arg): void
  • Protected Experimental


    • arg: ColorSpace

    Returns void

  • get resolution(): Resolution
  • The resolution of this effect.

    Returns Resolution

  • get texture(): Texture
  • A texture that contains the intermediate result of this effect.

    Returns Texture

  • get width(): number
  • The current width of the internal render targets.

    Returns number


    Use resolution.width instead.

  • set width(arg): void
  • Parameters

    • arg: number

    Returns void


  • Performs a shallow search for properties that define a dispose method and deletes them.

    The EffectComposer calls this method when it is being destroyed.

    Returns void

  • Returns the blend mode.

    The result of this effect will be blended with the result of the previous effect using this blend mode.

    Returns BlendMode

    The blend mode.


    Use blendMode instead.

  • Returns the preprocessor macro definitions.

    Returns Map<string, string>

    The extensions.


    Use defines instead.

  • Returns the WebGL extensions that are required by this effect.

    Returns Set<WebGLExtension>

    The extensions.


    Use extensions instead.

  • The bloom intensity.

    Returns number

    The intensity.


    Use intensity instead.

  • Returns the luminance material.

    Returns LuminanceMaterial

    The material.


    Use luminanceMaterial instead.

  • Returns the luminance pass.

    Returns LuminancePass

    The luminance pass.


    Use luminancePass instead.

  • Returns the name of this effect.

    Returns string

    The name.


    Use name instead.

  • Returns the resolution settings.

    Returns Resolution

    The resolution.


    Use resolution instead.

  • Returns the current resolution scale.

    Returns number

    The resolution scale.


    Use resolution instead.

  • Returns the selection.

    Returns Selection

    The selection.


    Use selection instead.

  • Returns the generated bloom texture.

    Returns Texture

    The texture.


    Use texture instead.

  • Returns the uniforms of this effect.

    Returns Map<string, Uniform<any>>

    The extensions.


    Use uniforms instead.

  • Performs initialization tasks.


    • renderer: WebGLRenderer

      The renderer.

    • alpha: boolean

      Whether the renderer uses the alpha channel.

    • frameBufferType: number

      The type of the main frame buffers.

    Returns void

  • Indicates whether the background is disabled.

    Returns boolean

    Whether the background is disabled.


    Use ignoreBackground instead.

  • Indicates whether the mask is inverted.

    Returns boolean

    Whether the mask is inverted.


    Use inverted instead.

  • Protected

    Sets the effect attributes.

    Effects that have the same attributes will be executed in the order in which they were registered. Some attributes imply a higher priority.


    Returns void

  • Enables or disables the background.


    • value: boolean

      Whether the background should be disabled.

    Returns void


    Use ignoreBackground instead.

  • Protected

    Informs the associated EffectPass that this effect requires a shader recompilation.

    Should be called after changing macros or extensions and after adding/removing uniforms.

    Returns void

  • Sets the depth texture.


    • depthTexture: Texture

      A depth texture.

    • Optional depthPacking: DepthPackingStrategies

      The depth packing.

    Returns void

  • Protected

    Sets the fragment shader.


    • fragmentShader: string

      The fragment shader.

    Returns void

  • Sets the bloom intensity.


    • value: number

      The intensity.

    Returns void


    Use intensity instead.

  • Enables or disable mask inversion.


    • value: boolean

      Whether the mask should be inverted.

    Returns void


    Use inverted instead.

  • Sets the renderer.


    • renderer: WebGLRenderer

      The renderer.

    Returns void


  • Sets the resolution scale.


    • scale: number

      The new resolution scale.

    Returns void


    Use resolution instead.

  • Updates the size of internal render targets.


    • width: number

      The width.

    • height: number

      The height.

    Returns void

  • Protected

    Sets the vertex shader.


    • vertexShader: string

      The vertex shader.

    Returns void

  • Updates this effect.


    • renderer: WebGLRenderer

      The renderer.

    • inputBuffer: WebGLRenderTarget<Texture>

      A frame buffer that contains the result of the previous pass.

    • Optional deltaTime: number

      The time between the last frame and the current one in seconds.

    Returns void