Constructs a new Kawase blur pass.
options: { The options.
height?: numberDeprecated. Use resolutionY instead.
kernelThe blur kernel size.
resolutionThe resolution scale.
resolutionX?: numberThe horizontal resolution.
resolutionY?: numberThe vertical resolution.
width?: numberDeprecated. Use resolutionX instead.
The blur material.
cameraThe camera.
Indicates whether dithering is enabled.
Indicates whether this pass is enabled.
The kernel size.
The name of this pass.
Only relevant for subclassing.
Indicates whether the EffectComposer should prepare a depth texture for this pass.
Set this to true
if this pass relies on depth information from a preceding RenderPass.
Only relevant for subclassing.
Indicates whether the EffectComposer should swap the frame buffers after this pass has finished
rendering. Set this to false
if this pass doesn't render to the output buffer or the screen. Otherwise, the
contents of the input buffer will be lost.
rendererThe renderer.
sceneThe scene to render.
The fullscreen material.
The current height of the internal render targets.
Use resolution.height instead.
Sets the render height.
Use resolution.preferredHeight instead.
Sets the main camera.
Sets the main scene.
Indicates whether this pass should render to screen.
Sets the render to screen flag.
If this flag is changed, the fullscreen material will be updated as well.
The current blur scale.
Use blurMaterial.scale instead.
The current width of the internal render targets.
Use resolution.width instead.
Sets the render width.
Use resolution.preferredWidth instead.
AUTO_An auto sizing flag.
Use Resolution.AUTO_SIZE instead.
Performs a shallow search for disposable properties and deletes them.
The EffectComposer calls this method when it is being destroyed. You can use it independently to free memory when you're certain that you don't need this pass anymore.
Returns the kernel size.
The kernel size.
Use kernelSize instead.
Performs initialization tasks.
This method is called when this pass is added to an EffectComposer.
The renderer.
Whether the renderer uses the alpha channel or not.
The type of the main frame buffers.
Blurs the input buffer and writes the result to the output buffer. The input buffer remains intact, unless it's also used as the output buffer.
The renderer.
A frame buffer that contains the result of the previous pass.
A frame buffer that serves as the output render target unless this pass renders to screen.
deltaTime: numberThe time between the last frame and the current one in seconds.
stencilTest: booleanIndicates whether a stencil mask is active.
Sets the depth texture.
This method will be called automatically by the EffectComposer. You may override this method if your pass relies on the depth information of a preceding RenderPass.
A depth texture.
depthPacking: DepthPackingStrategiesThe depth packing.
setSets the kernel size.
Larger kernels require more processing power but scale well with larger render resolutions.
The kernel size.
Use kernelSize instead.
Sets the blur scale.
This value influences the overall blur strength and should not be greater than 1. For larger blurs please increase the kernel size via setKernelSize!
Note that the blur strength is closely tied to the resolution. For a smooth transition from no blur to full blur, set the width or the height to a high enough value.
The scale.
Use blurMaterial.scale instead.
Sets the size.
You may override this method if you want to be informed about the size of the backbuffer/canvas. This method is called before initialize and every time the size of the EffectComposer changes.
The width.
The height.
A Kawase blur pass.