Constructs a new effect composer.
renderer: WebGLRendererThe renderer that should be used.
options: { The options.
alpha?: booleanDeprecated. Buffers are always RGBA since three r137.
depthWhether the main render targets should have a depth buffer.
frameThe type of the internal frame buffers. It's recommended to use HalfFloatType if possible.
multisampling?: numberThe number of samples used for multisample antialiasing. Requires WebGL 2.
stencilWhether the main render targets should have a stencil buffer.
Determines whether the last pass automatically renders to screen.
The input buffer.
Two identical buffers are used to avoid reading from and writing to the same render target.
The output buffer.
The passes.
The current amount of samples used for multisample anti-aliasing.
Sets the amount of MSAA samples.
Requires WebGL 2. Set to zero to disable multisampling.
Adds a pass, optionally at a specific index.
A new pass.
index: numberAn index at which the pass should be inserted.
Creates a new render target.
Whether the render target should have a depth buffer.
Whether the render target should have a stencil buffer.
The frame buffer type.
The number of samples to use for antialiasing.
A new render target that equals the renderer's canvas.
Create buffers manually via WebGLRenderTarget instead.
Removes a pass.
The pass.
Replaces the current renderer with the given one.
The auto clear mechanism of the provided renderer will be disabled. If the new render size differs from the previous one, all passes will be updated.
By default, the DOM element of the current renderer will automatically be removed from its parent node and the DOM element of the new renderer will take its place.
The new renderer.
updateDOM: booleanIndicates whether the old canvas should be replaced by the new one in the DOM.
The old renderer.
Use setRenderer instead.
The EffectComposer may be used in place of a normal WebGLRenderer.
The auto clear behaviour of the provided renderer will be disabled to prevent unnecessary clear operations.
It is common practice to use a RenderPass as the first pass to automatically clear the buffers and render a scene for further processing.