Class Tween<T>

A Tween represents a series of actions that can be applied to a target object to create animations or sequences of events.

Type Parameters

  • T = any

    The type of the target object.


  • Type Parameters

    • T = any


    • target: T

      The object to apply the tween to.

    • Optional tweenManager: TweenManager

    Returns Tween<T>


actions: IAction<T>[] = []
blockHistory: boolean = false
id: string

Unique identifier. If specified, the old tween with the same id will be stopped.

infiniteLoop: boolean = false
runningTween: RunningTween<any>
tags: string[] = []

Tags used for filtering and management.

target: T

The object to apply the tween to.

tweenManager: TweenManager


  • 定义当前状态的相对运动.


    • time: number

      The duration of the motion in milliseconds.

    • action: Motion<T>

      The motion configuration.

    • Optional config: MotionConfig<T>

      Additional motion configuration options.

    Returns this

    The updated Tween instance.

  • 增加回调函数.


    • callback: (() => void)

      The callback function to execute.

        • (): void
        • Returns void

    Returns this

    The updated Tween instance.

  • 链式补间动画,当我们顺序排列不同的补间动画时,比如我们在上一个补间结束的时候立即启动另外一个补间动画,使用 .chain() 方法来做。.


    • tween: Tween<T>

      The Tween containing actions to chain.

    Returns this

    The updated Tween instance.

  • 克隆动画.

    Returns Tween<T>

    A new Tween instance with the same configuration.

  • 延迟执行动画的方法 .delay() , 接受一个参数用于控制延迟的具体时间,表示延迟多少时间后才开始执行动画


    • time: number

      The duration of the delay in milliseconds.

    Returns this

    The updated Tween instance.

  • 并行运行多条


    • Rest ...tweens: Tween<T>[]

      The Tweens to run in parallel.

    Returns this

    The updated Tween instance.

  • 使用该方法可以使动画重复执行,它接受一个参数 , 描述需要重复多少次


    • times: number = 1

      The number of times to repeat the action.

    Returns this

    The updated Tween instance.

  • 无限期地重复上一个操作

    Returns this

    The updated Tween instance.

  • 按顺序运行多条


    • Rest ...tweens: Tween<T>[]

      The Tweens to run in sequence.

    Returns this

    The updated Tween instance.

  • 立即定义从当前状态到新状态的移动。


    • action: Motion<T>

      The motion configuration.

    Returns this

    The updated Tween instance.

  • 为动画设置一个唯一的标识符。如果指定,则停止具有相同id的旧动画


    • id: string

      The identifier to assign to the Tween.

    Returns this

    The updated Tween instance.

  • 为动画设置标签,可用于过滤和管理。


    • Rest ...tags: string[]

      Tags to associate with the Tween.

    Returns this

    The updated Tween instance.

  • 设置动画的目标对象


    • target: T

      The object to apply the tween to.

    Returns this

    The updated Tween instance.

  • 补间动画启动的方法


    Returns RunningTween<T>

    A RunningTween instance that controls the execution of the Tween.

  • 链接另一个动画以在该动画之后执行。


    • tween: Tween<T>

      The Tween to chain.

    Returns this

    The updated Tween instance.

  • 控制补间的运动形式及方向, 当启动时,将读取当前属性值并 应用相对值来找出新的最终值


    • time: number

      The duration of the motion in milliseconds.

    • action: Motion<T>

      The motion configuration.

    • Optional config: MotionConfig<T>

      Additional motion configuration options.

    Returns this

    The updated Tween instance.

  • 控制补间重复的模式, ,该动画像悠悠球一样来回运动 , 而不是重新开始


    • times: number = 1

      The number of times to yoyo the last action.

    Returns this

    The updated Tween instance.

  • 对最后一个动作应用溜溜球效果,使其无限期地反转运动。

    Returns this

    The updated Tween instance.