Class RunningTween<T>

This class represents a running tween for a specific target object. It manages the execution of actions and tweens associated with the tween. Don't instantiate this manually.

Type Parameters

  • T = any

    The type of the target object.



_finished: boolean = false
actionIndex: number = -1
currentBlock?: RunningBlock
history: RunningBlock[] = []
originallyReversed?: boolean
paused: boolean = false

Indicates whether the execution of the running tween is paused. If set to true, the tween will not progress until it is resumed.

repeat?: boolean
repetitions: {
    [x: number]: number;
} = {}

Type declaration

  • [x: number]: number
reversed?: boolean
target: T
timeScale: number = 1

The time scale factor for the running tween. It determines the speed at which the tween progresses. A value of 1 represents normal speed, while 0.5 would be half-speed, and 2 would be double-speed.

tween: Tween<T>
tweenManager: TweenManager


  • get finished(): boolean
  • Indicates whether the running tween has finished executing.

    Returns boolean


  • Complete the running tween, causing it to finish immediately.

    Returns void

  • Internal


    • delta: number

    Returns boolean

  • Internal

    Returns RunningBlock

  • Internal


    • block: RunningBlock

    Returns number

  • Pause the execution of the running tween.

    Returns void

  • Resume the execution of the running tween if it was paused.

    Returns void

  • Set the time scale for the running tween.


    • value: number

      The time scale value to apply.

    Returns this

    The updated RunningTween instance.

  • Stop the running tween, causing it to finish immediately.

    Returns void