Base class for broadphase implementations
Set to true if the objects in the world moved.
If set to true, the broadphase uses bounding boxes for intersection tests, else it uses bounding spheres.
The world to search for collisions in.
Returns all the bodies within the AABB.
Get the collision pairs from the world
The world to search in
Empty array to be filled with body objects
Check if the bounding boxes of two bodies are intersecting.
Check if the bounding spheres of two bodies are intersecting.
bodyA is appended to this array if intersection
bodyB is appended to this array if intersection
Check if the bounding volumes of two bodies intersect.
Removes duplicate pairs from the pair arrays.
Check if a body pair needs to be intersection tested at all.
To be implemented by subcasses
Check if the bounding spheres of two bodies overlap.
Base class for broadphase implementations