3d-tiles Tile object per spec: (incomplete, expanding as features become supported by this package.)

See spec for full schema: https://github.com/CesiumGS/3d-tiles/blob/master/specification/schema/tile.schema.json

interface TileBase {
    boundingVolume: {
        box?: number[];
        sphere?: number[];
    children?: TileBase[];
    content?: {
        extensions?: Record<string, any>;
        extras?: Record<string, any>;
        uri: string;
        url?: string;
    extensions?: Record<string, any>;
    extras?: Record<string, any>;
    geometricError: number;
    refine?: "REPLACE" | "ADD";
    transform?: number[];

Hierarchy (view full)


boundingVolume: {
    box?: number[];
    sphere?: number[];

Type declaration

  • Optional box?: number[]

    An array of 12 numbers that define an oriented bounding box. The first three elements define the x, y, and z values for the center of the box. The next three elements (with indices 3, 4, and 5) define the x axis direction and half-length. The next three elements (indices 6, 7, and 8) define the y axis direction and half-length. The last three elements (indices 9, 10, and 11) define the z axis direction and half-length.

  • Optional sphere?: number[]

    An array of four numbers that define a bounding sphere. The first three elements define the x, y, and z values for the center of the sphere. The last element (with index 3) defines the radius in meters.

children?: TileBase[]
content?: {
    extensions?: Record<string, any>;
    extras?: Record<string, any>;
    uri: string;
    url?: string;

Type declaration

  • Optional extensions?: Record<string, any>

    Dictionary object with content specific extension objects.

  • Optional extras?: Record<string, any>
  • uri: string
  • Optional url?: string
extensions?: Record<string, any>

Dictionary object with tile specific extension objects.

extras?: Record<string, any>
geometricError: number

The error, in meters, introduced if this tileset is not rendered. At runtime, the geometric error is used to compute screen space error (SSE), i.e., the error measured in pixels.

refine?: "REPLACE" | "ADD"
transform?: number[]