Class SendEventBehavior

Base class of behavior tree implementation

Hierarchy (view full)



context: BehaviorContext = null

Any internal state used by the behavior This provides a way to interact with the outside as well as to pass data between themselves

data: any
event: string
isBehavior: boolean
onFinalized: Signal = ...

Dispatched after finalization is complete

onInitialized: Signal = ...

Dispatched after initialization is complete

target: any
typeName: string


  • Called when behavior is finished, or interrupted Used to clean up any resources You can think of it as "stop"

    Returns void

  • Parameters

    • __namedParameters: {
          data: {};
          event: any;
          target: any;
      • data: {}
        • event: any
        • target: any

      Returns void

    • Called before behavior gets executed via tick for the first time Used to prepare the behavior for execution You can think of it as "start"


      Returns void

    • Main update function. Every behavior executes some logic, some behaviors are long-running and some are instantaneous


      • timeDelta: number

        time step in seconds

      Returns BehaviorStatus

      signals status of the behavior, "success" or "failure" are used to signal completion of the behavior

    • Parameters

      • j: {
            data: any;
            event: string;
            target?: any;
        • data: any
        • event: string
        • Optional target?: any

      Returns SendEventBehavior