Class NodeVFX

NodeVFX represents a node graph based visual effect




_renderer?: BatchedRenderer
autoDestroy: boolean

Determines whether the ParticleSystem should be automatically disposed when it finishes emitting particles.

duration: number

The duration of the ParticleSystem in seconds.

emissionGraph: NodeGraph
emitter: ParticleEmitter<Object3DEventMap>

the emitter object that should be added in the scene.

interpreter: Interpreter
looping: boolean

Determines whether the ParticleSystem should loop, i.e., restart emitting particles after the duration of the particle system is expired.

neededToUpdateRender: boolean

whether needs to update renderer settings for the batch renderer

particleNum: number

The number of particles in the ParticleSystem.

particles: IParticle[]

All the particles in the ParticleSystem.

paused: boolean

Determines whether the ParticleSystem is paused.

prewarm: boolean

Determines whether a looping ParticleSystem should prewarm, i.e., the Particle System looks like it has already simulated for one loop when first becoming visible.

rendererEmitterSettings: {}

Type declaration

    rendererSettings: VFXBatchSettings

    the VFX renderer settings for the batch renderer

    signal: {
        onEnd: Signal;
        onPause: Signal;
        onPlay: Signal;
        onRestart: Signal;
    } = ...

    Type declaration

    speedFactor: number = 0
    updateGraph: NodeGraph
    worldSpace: boolean


    • get blending(): Blending
    • Returns Blending

    • set blending(blending): void
    • Parameters

      • blending: Blending

      Returns void

    • get layers(): Layers
    • Returns Layers

    • get material(): Material
    • Returns Material

    • set material(material): void
    • Parameters

      • material: Material

      Returns void

    • get renderOrder(): number
    • Returns number

    • set renderOrder(renderOrder): void
    • Parameters

      • renderOrder: number

      Returns void

    • get texture(): Texture
    • Returns Texture

    • set texture(texture): void
    • Parameters

      • texture: Texture

      Returns void

    • get time(): number
    • Returns number

    • set time(time): void
    • Parameters

      • time: number

      Returns void


    • Parameters

      • delta: number
      • emissionState: EmissionState
      • emitterMatrix: Matrix4

      Returns void

    • Returns void