Class MeshLineGeometry


  • BufferGeometry
    • MeshLineGeometry


  • This creates a new THREE.BufferGeometry | BufferGeometry object.

    Returns MeshLineGeometry


attributes: Partial<{
    counters: Float32BufferAttribute;
    index: Uint16BufferAttribute;
    next: Float32BufferAttribute;
    position: Float32BufferAttribute;
    previous: Float32BufferAttribute;
    side: Float32BufferAttribute;
    uv: Float32BufferAttribute;
    width: Float32BufferAttribute;

Type declaration

  • counters: Float32BufferAttribute
  • index: Uint16BufferAttribute
  • next: Float32BufferAttribute
  • position: Float32BufferAttribute
  • previous: Float32BufferAttribute
  • side: Float32BufferAttribute
  • uv: Float32BufferAttribute
  • width: Float32BufferAttribute
curvePointNum?: number
curvePointPosRatio?: number
isMeshLineGeometry: true = true
smooth?: boolean
type: "MeshLineGeometry" = 'MeshLineGeometry'
widthCallback: ((point, index) => number) = null

A callback to be called for each point to determine the width of the line at that point. Although setPoints accepts this function as an argument, this has to be a public property so it can be used as a prop in react-three-fiber.

Type declaration

    • (point, index): number
    • A callback to be called for each point to determine the width of the line at that point. Although setPoints accepts this function as an argument, this has to be a public property so it can be used as a prop in react-three-fiber.


      • point: number
      • index: number

      Returns number


  • get points(): Vector3[] | WritableArrayLike<number>
  • As an alternative to meshLine.setPoints(points), we can set meshLine.points = points. This was added for and is public for use as a prop in react-three-fiber.

    Returns Vector3[] | WritableArrayLike<number>

  • set points(value): void
  • Parameters

    • value: Vector3[] | WritableArrayLike<number>

    Returns void


  • Fast method to advance the line by one position. The oldest position is removed.


    • position: Vector3

    Returns void

  • Parameters

    • points: Vector3[] | WritableArrayLike<number>
    • widthCallback: ((point, index) => number) = null
        • (point, index): number
        • Parameters

          • point: number
          • index: number

          Returns number

    • smooth: boolean = false
    • updateBounds: boolean = true

    Returns void