Class MapNodeGeometry

Map node geometry is a geometry used to represent the map nodes.

Consists of a XZ plane with normals facing +Y.

The geometry points start in XZ plane that can be manipulated for example for height adjustment.

Geometry can also include skirts to mask off missalignments between tiles.


  • BufferGeometry
    • MapNodeGeometry




  • Map node geometry constructor.


    • width: number = 1.0

      Width of the node.

    • height: number = 1.0

      Height of the node.

    • widthSegments: number = 1.0

      Number of subdivisions along the width.

    • heightSegments: number = 1.0

      Number of subdivisions along the height.

    • skirt: boolean = false

      Skirt around the plane to mask gaps between tiles.

    • skirtDepth: number = 10.0

    Returns MapNodeGeometry


  • Parameters

    • width: number = 1.0
    • height: number = 1.0
    • widthSegments: number = 1.0
    • heightSegments: number = 1.0
    • indices: number[]
    • vertices: number[]
    • normals: number[]
    • uvs: number[]

    Returns void

  • Parameters

    • width: number = 1.0
    • height: number = 1.0
    • widthSegments: number = 1.0
    • heightSegments: number = 1.0
    • skirtDepth: number
    • indices: number[]
    • vertices: number[]
    • normals: number[]
    • uvs: number[]

    Returns void