Class HolographicMaterial


  • ShaderMaterial
    • HolographicMaterial



  • Create a HolographicMaterial.


    • app: App
    • parameters: {
          blendMode?: Blending;
          blinkFresnelOnly?: boolean;
          depthTest?: boolean;
          enableBlinking?: boolean;
          fresnelAmount?: number;
          fresnelOpacity?: number;
          hologramBrightness?: number;
          hologramColor?: ColorRepresentation;
          hologramOpacity?: number;
          scanlineSize?: number;
          side?: Side;
          signalSpeed?: number;
          time?: number;
      } = {}

      The parameters to configure the material.

      • Optional blendMode?: Blending

        The blending mode. Use THREE.NormalBlending or THREE.AdditiveBlending. default NormalBlending

      • Optional blinkFresnelOnly?: boolean

        Enable blinking only on the fresnel effect.. default false

      • Optional depthTest?: boolean

        Enable or disable depthTest.. default true

      • Optional enableBlinking?: boolean

        Enable/disable blinking effect. default true

      • Optional fresnelAmount?: number

        The strength of the fresnel effect. default 1

      • Optional fresnelOpacity?: number

        The opacity for the fresnel effect. default 1

      • Optional hologramBrightness?: number

        The brightness of the hologram. default 1

      • Optional hologramColor?: ColorRepresentation

        The color of the hologram. default new Color('#00d5ff')

      • Optional hologramOpacity?: number

        The opacity of the hologram. default 1

      • Optional scanlineSize?: number

        The size of the scanline effect. default 15

      • Optional side?: Side

        The rendering side. Use THREE.FrontSide, THREE.BackSide, or THREE.DoubleSide.. default FrontSide

      • Optional signalSpeed?: number

        The speed of the signal effect. default 1

      • Optional time?: number

        The time uniform representing animation time. default 0

    Returns HolographicMaterial